CAnimationPool Member List

This is the complete list of members for CAnimationPool, including all inherited members.

add(const int iGroup, const CFlagSet< CGameEntity::eState > &bsConditions, const std::string &strAnim, const unit fDist, const bool bCycle, const bool bTick=false)CAnimationPool [static]
add(const int iGroup, CAnimation &anim)CAnimationPool
add_group(const std::string &strGroup, const std::string &strAnim, const unit fDist, const bool bCycle=true, const bool bTick=false)CAnimationPool [static]
add_group(const std::string &strGroup, CAnimation &defaultAnim)CAnimationPool
clear()CAnimationPool [static]
get(const CGameEntity *pGE, const int iGroup=0)CAnimationPool [static]
get_anim(const CGameEntity *pGE, const int iGroup=0)CAnimationPool
get_index(const std::string &name)CAnimationPool [static]
instance()CAnimationPool [protected, static]
load(CXMLNode node)CAnimationPool [static]
load(const std::string &filepath)CAnimationPool [static]
load(const std::string &filename, const std::string &path)CAnimationPool [static]
m_kStrElmAnimationPoolCAnimationPool [static]
reload(CXMLNode node)CAnimationPool [static]
size()CAnimationPool [static]

Generated on Fri Dec 28 12:55:07 2007 for template7 by  doxygen 1.5.4