CCmpHealth Member List

This is the complete list of members for CCmpHealth, including all inherited members.

act(const ACTION_DATA &actData)CCmpHealth [virtual]
CCmp(CGameEntity *pGE, eCmp type)CCmp [inline, protected]
CCmpHealth(CGameEntity *pGE)CCmpHealth [inline]
create_cmp(CGameEntity *pGE, eCmp type)CCmp [static]
get(EDIT_DATA &editData) const CCmpHealth [virtual]
health() const CCmpHealth [inline]
kDefaultHealthCCmpHealth [static]
kDefaultHealthMaxCCmpHealth [static]
m_eTypeCCmp [protected]
m_pGECCmp [protected]
set(const EDIT_DATA &editData)CCmpHealth [virtual]
show_blood() const CCmpHealth [inline]
type() const CCmp [inline]
update()CCmpHealth [virtual]

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