C:/Documents and Settings/slap/My Documents/Visual Studio 2005/Projects/Template7/template7/actionEnums.h File Reference


enum  eActionType { ,
  kActReset = 1, kActDamage = 2, kActAddHealth = 3, kActActivate = 4,
  kActPush = 5, kActPassive = 6, kActReachDest = 7, kActGotoDest = 8,
  kActAttack = 9, kActCover = 10, kActFireWeapon = 11, kActReloadWeapon = 12,
  kActDie = 13, kActAddWeapon = 14, kActAddAmmo = 15, kActFXShot,
  kActImpact, kActScan, kActSonar
 Action Type enum. More...

Detailed Description

Action Type enum.

(c) 2007-2008 oP group Germany GbR. All rights reserved.
This source code is provided "as is" with no warranty and must not be distributed without written permission.

Doug Poston

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum eActionType

Action Type enum.

Set to values because Lite-C doesn't have enums.
kActReset  Reset to starting values/state.
kActDamage  Data: unit (amount of damage).

Do damage

kActAddHealth  Data: unit (amount of health to add).

Add/subtract from the health value directly (e.g. bipass armor)

kActActivate  Send an activate command.
kActPush  Try to push in a certain dirrection.
kActPassive  Send an passive scan event (e.g. touch).
kActReachDest  We've reached the dest point.
kActGotoDest  Try to reach the point given (data: vec).
kActAttack  Data: ENTITY* target.

Preform an attack

kActCover  Data: ENTITY* target we are hiding from.

Look for cover

kActFireWeapon  Data: ENTITY* target (if NULL, use current facing).

Fire the current weapon

kActReloadWeapon  Reload the current weapon.
kActDie  Signal our death.
kActAddWeapon  Add a weapon and/or weapon ammo (vec: x-weaponID, y-ammo).
kActAddAmmo  Add ammo (vec: x-ammoID, y-ammo).
kActFXShot  Play a hit effect at the vector given.
kActImpact  start event actions

Hit by an entity with lower or equal PUSH

kActScan  Scanned.
kActSonar  Sonar.

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