C:/Documents and Settings/slap/My Documents/Visual Studio 2005/Projects/Template7/template7/editEnums.h File Reference


enum  eEditType {
  kEditUnknown = -1 , kEditHealth = 1, kEditForce, kEditAForce,
  kEditPoint, kEditSpeed, kEditPEnt, kEditOffset,
  kEditEvent, kEditSound, kEditType, kEditFunc,
  kEditForceScale, kEditAForceScale, kEditMaxVec, kEditMinVec,
  kEditRange, kEditActivated, kEditVel, kEditAVel,
  kEditDist, kEditDestVec, kEditEnemySee, kEditSector,
  kEditMoveMode, kEditTriggerRange, kEditFlag, kEditFlagReset,
  kEditFlagAll, kEditAnimGroup, kEditStartWeapon, kEditStartAmmo,
  kEditAddWeapon, kEditAmmo , kEditHearRange, kEditSightRange,
  kEditFOV, kEditReactionTime, kEditMemoryTime, kEditDelayTime,
  kEditFadeTime, kEditPush, kEditAutoReturn, kEditCount,
  kEditState, kEditValue, kEditData, kEditTestBad
 Edit Type. More...


eEditType string_to_eEditType (const char *str)
 Take a string and return the eEditType type.

Detailed Description

Edit Type enum.

(c) 2007-2008 oP group Germany GbR. All rights reserved.
This source code is provided "as is" with no warranty and must not be distributed without written permission.

Doug Poston

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum eEditType

Edit Type.

kEditUnknown  editType desc (data)
kEditHealth  Health value (unit).
kEditForce  Force value (vector).
kEditAForce  Angular force value (vector).
kEditPoint  Point (vector).
kEditSpeed  Speed (unit).
kEditPEnt  Add an entity pointer (ENTITY*).
kEditOffset  Add an offset point (vector).
kEditEvent  Add an event to react to (enum).
kEditSound  Add a sound.
kEditType  Set the type (int).
kEditFunc  Set a pointer to a lite-c function (long).
kEditForceScale  Force scaler (vector).
kEditAForceScale  Angular force scaler (vector).
kEditMaxVec  Set a max point.
kEditMinVec  Set a min point.
kEditRange  Range to/from something (unit).
kEditActivated  Currently activated (bool).
kEditVel  Current velocity (vector).
kEditAVel  Current angular velocity (vector).
kEditDist  Distance the entity tried to move (unit).
kEditDestVec  Destination (vector).
kEditEnemySee  We see an enemy ().
kEditSector  x: horizontal angle, y: vertical angle, z: range (vector)
kEditMoveMode  The MOVE_MODE (flags).
kEditTriggerRange  The trigger_range.
kEditFlag  Get or set the flag given by the data int value (bool).
kEditFlagReset  Reset the flag given by the data int value (bool).
kEditFlagAll  Get or set the entire group of flags.
kEditAnimGroup  the Animation group used to animate this entity (int)
kEditStartWeapon  Starting weapon (index into WeaponDef) (int).
kEditStartAmmo  Starting ammo for starting weapon (int).
kEditAddWeapon  Sdd a weapon using a WeaponDef index in the pool (int).
kEditAmmo  Edit ammo/chage max values. X: AmmoType, Y: Starting, Z: Max ammount (vec).
kEditHearRange  Hearing range.
kEditSightRange  Sight range.
kEditFOV  Field-of-View.
kEditReactionTime  Reaction time.
kEditMemoryTime  Memory time.
kEditDelayTime  Delay time.
kEditFadeTime  Fade time.
kEditPush  Push value.
kEditAutoReturn  Return to start after you reach the end?
kEditCount  note: normally you want to use the following on a single CMP

Get the count of items (int)

kEditState  The current eState of a CMP (int).
kEditValue  Generic value.
kEditData  Send/get a struct data from a cmp.
kEditTestBad  Used in test cases to test an non-supported event.

Function Documentation

eEditType string_to_eEditType ( const char *  str  ) 

Take a string and return the eEditType type.

str String to convert.
Corresponding edit type (kEditUnknown if none found).
str  take a string and return the eEditType type

Generated on Fri Dec 28 12:55:06 2007 for template7 by  doxygen 1.5.4