C:/Documents and Settings/slap/My Documents/Visual Studio 2005/Projects/Template7/template7/template7.h File Reference

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "adll.h"
#include "t7Enums.h"


Project functions
DLLFUNC int project_load (char *csFilename)
 Load an xml file that defines the project.
DLLFUNC int project_remove ()
 Clear out the current project.
DLLFUNC int project_level_ (int i)
 Switch to a new level.
DLLFUNC int project_update ()
 Update the project for one frame.
DLLFUNC int entity_add (ENTITY *pEnt)
 Add an entity to the current level.
DLLFUNC void entity_remove (ENTITY *pEnt)
 Remove an entity (from the current level).
ENTITY_EDIT functions
DLLFUNC int entity_add_cmp (ENTITY *pEnt, int type)
 Add a component to the entity.
DLLFUNC int entity_cmp_set (ENTITY *pEnt, int cmpType, int editType, float data)
 Set the value of a single GE CMP.
DLLFUNC int entity_set_ptr (ENTITY *pEnt, int type, void *data)
 Set an entity's property using a pointer.
DLLFUNC int entity_set_vec (ENTITY *pEnt, int type, float x, float y, float z)
 Set an entity's property using a vector.
DLLFUNC int entity_set (ENTITY *pEnt, int type, float data)
 Set an entity's property using a float (or int).
DLLFUNC int entity_set_str (ENTITY *pEnt, int type, char *csName)
 Set an entity's property using a string.
Get functions
DLLFUNC int entity_get_int (ENTITY *pEnt, int editType, int *data)
DLLFUNC int entity_cmp_get_int (ENTITY *pEnt, int cmpType, int editType, int *data)
DLLFUNC int entity_get_var (ENTITY *pEnt, int editType, var *data)
DLLFUNC int entity_cmp_get_var (ENTITY *pEnt, int cmpType, int editType, var *data)
 Get a var value from a specific CMP.
DLLFUNC int entity_get_vec (ENTITY *pEnt, int editType, float *x, float *y, float *z)
 Get x,y,z values.
ENTITY_ACT functions
pEnt Pointer to the entity we are trying to get a value from
cmpType The component to check(see t7Cmp_ list)
editType t7Edit_ type
data Pointer to data (normally a struct).
value less than zero on error, 0 if nothing found, positive otherwise

DLLFUNC int entity_act (ENTITY *pEnt, int actType, float data)
 Act on an entity.
DLLFUNC int entity_cmp_act (ENTITY *pEnt, int cmpType, int actType, float data)
 Act on an entity.
DLLFUNC int entity_act_vec (ENTITY *pEnt, int actType, float x, float y, float z)
 Send an action to an entity.
Animation functions
DLLFUNC void anim_reload (char *csFilename)
 Reload the animation from a file.

Detailed Description

Functions designed to be called from Lite-C code.

(c) 2007-2008 oP group Germany GbR. All rights reserved.
This source code is provided "as is" with no warranty and must not be distributed without written permission.

Doug Poston

Function Documentation

DLLFUNC void anim_reload ( char *  csFilename  ) 

Reload the animation from a file.

csFilename Name of the file containing the animations. reload the animation
csFilename  reload the animation file

DLLFUNC int entity_act ( ENTITY *  pEnt,
int  actType,
float  data 

Act on an entity.

pEnt Pointer to the entity who's value we are acting on.
actType The action we are preforming (see t7EnityAct_ list).
data The float (or int) used to edit.
Less than zero on error, otherwise the entity's ID number.

DLLFUNC int entity_act_vec ( ENTITY *  pEnt,
int  actType,
float  x,
float  y,
float  z 

Send an action to an entity.

pEnt Pointer to the entity.
actType The action we are preforming (see t7Act_ list).
x X pos value (or pan).
y Y pos value (or tilt).
z Z pos value (or roll).
Less than zero on error, otherwise the entity's ID number.

DLLFUNC int entity_add ( ENTITY *  pEnt  ) 

Add an entity to the current level.

pEnt Pointer to the entity we are adding.
Less than zero on error, otherwise the entity's ID number.
Add an entity to the current level
less than zero if error, zero if the resulting GE has no associated data, otherwise the entity's ID number (positive)

DLLFUNC int entity_add_cmp ( ENTITY *  pEnt,
int  type 

Add a component to the entity.

The entity must already be added to the level (using entity_add()).
pEnt Pointer to the entity we are adding a new component to.
type The component we are adding (see t7EnityCMP_ list).
Less than zero on error, otherwise positive.

DLLFUNC int entity_cmp_act ( ENTITY *  pEnt,
int  cmpType,
int  actType,
float  data 

Act on an entity.

pEnt Pointer to the entity who's value we are acting on.
cmpType The component to act on (see t7Cmp_ list).
actType The action we are preforming (see t7EnityAct_ list).
data The float (or int) used to edit.
Less than zero on error, otherwise the entity's ID number.

DLLFUNC int entity_cmp_get_int ( ENTITY *  pEnt,
int  cmpType,
int  editType,
int *  data 

pEnt Pointer to the entity we are trying to get a value from.
cmpType The component to check(see t7Cmp_ list).
editType t7Edit_ type.
data Pointer to int which will contain the value.
value less than zero on error, 0 if nothing found, positive otherwise.

DLLFUNC int entity_cmp_get_var ( ENTITY *  pEnt,
int  cmpType,
int  editType,
var *  data 

Get a var value from a specific CMP.

pEnt Pointer to the entity we are trying to get a value from.
cmpType The component to check(see t7Cmp_ list).
editType t7Edit_ type.
data Pointer to var which will contain the value.
value less than zero on error, 0 if nothing found, positive otherwise.

DLLFUNC int entity_cmp_set ( ENTITY *  pEnt,
int  cmpType,
int  editType,
float  data 

Set the value of a single GE CMP.

pEnt Pointer to the GE entity.
cmpType The component we are setting (see t7Cmp_ list).
editType t7Edit_ type we want to set.
data The data we are setting.
value less than zero on error, 0 if nothing found, positive otherwise.

DLLFUNC int entity_get_int ( ENTITY *  pEnt,
int  editType,
int *  data 

pEnt Pointer to the entity we are trying to get a value from.
editType t7Edit_ type.
data Pointer to int which will contain the value.
value less than zero on error, 0 if nothing found, positive otherwise.

DLLFUNC int entity_get_var ( ENTITY *  pEnt,
int  editType,
var *  data 

pEnt Pointer to the entity we are trying to get a value from.
editType t7Edit_ type.
data Pointer to var which will contain the value.
value less than zero on error, 0 if nothing found, positive otherwise.

DLLFUNC int entity_get_vec ( ENTITY *  pEnt,
int  editType,
float *  x,
float *  y,
float *  z 

Get x,y,z values.

pEnt Pointer to the entity we are trying to get a value from.
editType t7Edit_ type.
x X value.
y Y value.
z Z value.
value less than zero on error, 0 if nothing found, positive otherwise.

DLLFUNC void entity_remove ( ENTITY *  pEnt  ) 

Remove an entity (from the current level).

pEnt Pointer to the entity we want to remove.

DLLFUNC int entity_set ( ENTITY *  pEnt,
int  type,
float  data 

Set an entity's property using a float (or int).

pEnt Pointer to the entity who's value we are editing.
type The edit we are preforming (see t7Edit_ list).
data The float (or int) used to edit.
Less than zero on error, otherwise the entity's ID number.

DLLFUNC int entity_set_ptr ( ENTITY *  pEnt,
int  type,
void *  data 

Set an entity's property using a pointer.

pEnt Pointer to the entity who's value we are editing.
type The edit we are preforming (see t7Edit_ list).
data The data used to preform the action.
Less than zero on error, otherwise the entity's ID number.

DLLFUNC int entity_set_str ( ENTITY *  pEnt,
int  type,
char *  csName 

Set an entity's property using a string.

pEnt Pointer to the entity who's value we are editing.
type The edit we are preforming (see t7Edit_ list).
csName Pointer to an array of characters.
Less than zero on error, otherwise the entity's ID number.

DLLFUNC int entity_set_vec ( ENTITY *  pEnt,
int  type,
float  x,
float  y,
float  z 

Set an entity's property using a vector.

pEnt Pointer to the entity who's value we are editing.
type The edit we are preforming (see t7Edit_ list).
x X pos value (or pan).
y Y pos value (or tilt).
z Z pos value (or roll).
Less than zero on error, otherwise the entity's ID number.

DLLFUNC int project_level_ ( int  i  ) 

Switch to a new level.

i Index of the level we want to switch to.
Index of the level we switched to, or neg value on error.
switch to a new level
postfixed '_' because we want users to call project_level() (which includes a wait(1))

DLLFUNC int project_load ( char *  csFilename  ) 

Load an xml file that defines the project.

csFilename Name of the file used to define the project.
Negitive value on error, otherwise the number of levels in this project.

DLLFUNC int project_update (  ) 

Update the project for one frame.

Positive value if there was an update, 0 if nothing to update.

Generated on Fri Dec 28 12:55:06 2007 for template7 by  doxygen 1.5.4