CVector3D Class Reference

Mange a 3D vector. More...

#include <vectorMath.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

Create methods
 CVector3D ()
 Create a zero vector.
 CVector3D (const unit inX, const unit inY, const unit inZ)
 Create using 3 unit values.
 CVector3D (const CVector3D &inVec)
 Create using another vector.
 CVector3D (const VECTOR *inVec)
 Create using an Acknex vector.
Set/Reset methods
void set (const unit inX, const unit inY, const unit inZ)
 Set using 3 unit values.
void reset ()
 Reset all values to zero.
void x (const unit f)
 Set x.
void y (const unit f)
 Set y.
void z (const unit f)
 Set z.
unit x () const
 Get x.
unit y () const
 Get y.
unit z () const
 Get z.
Add methods
void add (const unit inX, const unit inY, const unit inZ)
 Add to the current values.
void addX (const unit f)
 Add to the current X value.
void addY (const unit f)
 Add to the current Y value.
void addZ (const unit f)
 Add to the current Z value.
Compare methods
bool is_close_to (const CVector3D &b) const
true if all three values in this vector are close to all three values in the second vector.

bool is_close_to_zero () const
true if all three values in is vector are close to zero.

Move/Rotate methods
CVector3D move (const CAngle3D &ang, const unit f)
 Create a new vector by moving f units along an angle from the current vector.
CVector3D move (const CAngle3D &ang, const CVector3D &moveVec)
 Create a new vector by adding the rotated moveVec to the current vector.
void rotate (const CAngle3D &ang)
 Rotate x,y,z values around origin by angle ang.
Operator Overloads
CVector3D operator+ (const CVector3D &inVec) const
 Add two vectors.
CVector3D operator- (const CVector3D &inVec) const
 Subtract vectors.
CVector3D operator * (const unit f) const
 Scale vector.
void operator *= (const unit f)
 Scale vector.
CVector3D operator/ (const unit f) const
 Reduce vector.
void operator+= (const CVector3D &inVec)
 Add another vector.
void operator-= (const CVector3D &inVec)
 Subtract another vector.
CVector3D operator * (const CVector3D &inVec) const
 Scale the values of the first vector by the values of the second.
void operator *= (const CVector3D &inVec)
 Scale the values of this vector by the values of the other vector.
Misc methods
unit get_pan () const
The pan of this vector.

unit get_tilt () const
The tilt of this vector.

void get_array (unit array[]) const
 Get vector values as an array.
unit get_length () const
unit get_length_sq () const
CVector3D get_normalized (const unit f=1.0) const
 Change the length of the vector (keeping the direction).

Detailed Description

Mange a 3D vector.

(c) 2007-2008 oP group Germany GbR. All rights reserved.
This source code is provided "as is" with no warranty and must not be distributed without written permission.

Doug Poston

Member Function Documentation

CVector3D CVector3D::move ( const CAngle3D ang,
const unit  f 

Create a new vector by moving f units along an angle from the current vector.

ang Angle we are moving along.
f Distance moved.
New vector.
Add a rotated unit vector of length f <f,0,0>
ang Angle of rotation
f Lenth of movement vector
Rotated movement vector

CVector3D CVector3D::move ( const CAngle3D ang,
const CVector3D moveVec 

Create a new vector by adding the rotated moveVec to the current vector.

ang Angle we are moving along.
moveVec Vector to be rotated.
New vector.
Add a rotated vector
ang Angle of rotation
moveVec Movement vector
Rotated movement vector

void CVector3D::rotate ( const CAngle3D ang  ) 

Rotate x,y,z values around origin by angle ang.

ang Angle used for rotation.
Rotate around origin by CAngle3D ang
ang Angle of rotation
angle values are in degrees
ang  rotate x,y,z values around origin by angle ang

void CVector3D::get_array ( unit  array[]  )  const [inline]

Get vector values as an array.

array A unit array of at least 3 values.
Will crash is array is not at least 3 units in size.

unit CVector3D::get_length (  )  const [inline]

The length of this vector.
See also:

unit CVector3D::get_length_sq (  )  const [inline]

The length squared of this vector.
Much quicker than normal get_length().
See also:

CVector3D CVector3D::get_normalized ( const unit  f = 1.0  )  const [inline]

Change the length of the vector (keeping the direction).

f New length.
A normalized vector.

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