C:/Program Files/GStudio7/include/t7/t7.h File Reference

#include <./t7/t7Enums.h>


int project_load (char *csFilename)
 Load in the game using a Project data file.
int project_remove ()
 Clear out the current project.
int project_level_ (int i)
 DO NOT USE, call project_level() below.
int project_level (int i)
 Switch to another level.
int project_update ()
 Update the game for one frame. Call this once per frame.
int entity_add (ENTITY *pEnt)
 Add an ENTITY to the current level.
void entity_remove (ENTITY *pEnt)
 Remove an entity.
int entity_add_cmp (ENTITY *pEnt, int cmpType)
 Add a component to the entity.
int entity_cmp_set (ENTITY *pEnt, int cmpType, int editType, float data)
 Set the value of a entity's CMP.
int entity_set (ENTITY *pEnt, int editType, float data)
 Set values in zero or more CMPs.
int entity_set_ptr (ENTITY *pEnt, int editType, void *data)
 Set values in zero or more CMPs.
int entity_set_vec (ENTITY *pEnt, int editType, float x, float y, float z)
 Set values in zero or more CMPs.
int entity_set_str (ENTITY *pEnt, int editType, char *csName)
 Set values in zero or more CMPs.
int entity_get_int (ENTITY *pEnt, int editType, int *data)
 Get a value from the first CMP to handle it.
int entity_cmp_get_int (ENTITY *pEnt, int cmpType, int editType, int *data)
 Get a value from a specific CMP.
int entity_get_var (ENTITY *pEnt, int editType, var *data)
 Get a value from the first CMP to handle it.
int entity_cmp_get_var (ENTITY *pEnt, int cmpType, int editType, var *data)
 Get a value from a specific CMP.
int entity_get_vec (ENTITY *pEnt, int editType, float *x, float *y, float *z)
 Get x,y,z values from the first CMP to handle it.
int entity_act (ENTITY *pEnt, int type, float data)
 Send an action to an entity.
int entity_cmp_act (ENTITY *pEnt, int cmpType, int actType, float data)
 Act on an entity.
int entity_act_vec (ENTITY *pEnt, int type, float x, float y, float z)
 Send an action to an entity.
void anim_reload (char *csFilename)
 Reload the animation from a file.

Function Documentation

void anim_reload ( char *  csFilename  ) 

Reload the animation from a file.

int entity_act ( ENTITY *  pEnt,
int  type,
float  data 

Send an action to an entity.

pEnt Pointer to the entity who's value we are acting on
type The action we are preforming (see t7EnityAct_ list)
data The float (or int) used to edit
Less than zero on error, otherwise the entity's ID number.
See also:
entity_cmp_act(ENTITY* pEnt, int cmpType, int actType, float data)

int entity_act_vec ( ENTITY *  pEnt,
int  type,
float  x,
float  y,
float  z 

Send an action to an entity.

pEnt Pointer to the entity
type The action we are preforming (see t7Act_ list)
x X pos value (or pan)
y Y pos value (or tilt)
z Z pos value (or roll)
Less than zero on error, otherwise the entity's ID number.

int entity_add ( ENTITY *  pEnt  ) 

Add an ENTITY to the current level.

After this, the entity is managed by the t7.dll as a GameEntity (GE)
pEnt Pointer to the entity we are adding
Less than zero on error, otherwise positive
See also:
entity_remove(ENTITY* pEnt)

int entity_add_cmp ( ENTITY *  pEnt,
int  cmpType 

Add a component to the entity.

The entity must already be added to the level (using entity_add())
pEnt Pointer to the entity we are adding a new component to
cmpType The component we are adding (see t7Cmp_ list)
Less than zero on error, otherwise positive
See also:
entity_add(ENTITY* pEnt)

int entity_cmp_act ( ENTITY *  pEnt,
int  cmpType,
int  actType,
float  data 

Act on an entity.

pEnt Pointer to the entity who's value we are acting on
cmpType The component to act on (see t7Cmp_ list)
actType The action we are preforming (see t7EnityAct_ list)
data Data used to edit
Less than zero on error, otherwise the entity's ID number.
See also:
entity_act(ENTITY* pEnt, int actType, float data)

int entity_cmp_get_int ( ENTITY *  pEnt,
int  cmpType,
int  editType,
int *  data 

Get a value from a specific CMP.

pEnt Pointer to the entity we are trying to get a value from
cmpType The component to check(see t7Cmp_ list)
editType t7Edit_ type
data Pointer to int which will contain the value.
value less than zero on error, 0 if nothing found, positive otherwise
See also:
entity_get_int(ENTITY* pEnt, int editType, int* data)

int entity_cmp_get_var ( ENTITY *  pEnt,
int  cmpType,
int  editType,
var *  data 

Get a value from a specific CMP.

pEnt Pointer to the entity we are trying to get a value from
cmpType The component to check(see t7Cmp_ list)
editType t7Edit_ type
data Pointer to var which will contain the value.
value less than zero on error, 0 if nothing found, positive otherwise
See also:
entity_get_var(ENTITY* pEnt, int editType, int* data)

int entity_cmp_set ( ENTITY *  pEnt,
int  cmpType,
int  editType,
float  data 

Set the value of a entity's CMP.

pEnt Pointer to the GE entity
cmpType The component we are setting (see t7Cmp_ list)
editType t7Edit_ type we want to set
data The data we are setting.
value less than zero on error, 0 if nothing found, positive otherwise
See also:
entity_add_cmp(ENTITY* pEnt, int cmpType)

entity_set(ENTITY* pEnt, int editType, float data)

int entity_get_int ( ENTITY *  pEnt,
int  editType,
int *  data 

Get a value from the first CMP to handle it.

You will normally use entity_cmp_get_int() to get values from a specific CMP
pEnt Pointer to the entity we are trying to get a value from
editType t7Edit_ type
data Pointer to int which will contain the value.
value less than zero on error, 0 if nothing found, positive otherwise
See also:
entity_cmp_get_int(ENTITY* pEnt, int cmpType, int editType, int* data)

int entity_get_var ( ENTITY *  pEnt,
int  editType,
var *  data 

Get a value from the first CMP to handle it.

You will normally use entity_cmp_get_var() to get values from a specific CMP
pEnt Pointer to the entity we are trying to get a value from
editType t7Edit_ type
data Pointer to var which will contain the value.
value less than zero on error, 0 if nothing found, positive otherwise
See also:
entity_cmp_get_var(ENTITY* pEnt, int cmpType, int editType, int* data)

int entity_get_vec ( ENTITY *  pEnt,
int  editType,
float *  x,
float *  y,
float *  z 

Get x,y,z values from the first CMP to handle it.

pEnt Pointer to the entity we are trying to get a value from.
editType t7Edit_ type.
x X value.
y Y value.
z Z value.
value less than zero on error, 0 if nothing found, positive otherwise.

void entity_remove ( ENTITY *  pEnt  ) 

Remove an entity.

Use this instead of ent_remove() if you used entity_add()
pEnt Pointer to the Entity we want to remove.
See also:
entity_add(ENTITY* pEnt)

int entity_set ( ENTITY *  pEnt,
int  editType,
float  data 

Set values in zero or more CMPs.

Normally you will want to use the entity_cmp_set() functions above
See also:
entity_cmp_set(ENTITY* pEnt, int cmpType, int editType, float data)

int entity_set_ptr ( ENTITY *  pEnt,
int  editType,
void *  data 

Set values in zero or more CMPs.

Normally you will want to use the entity_cmp_set() functions above
See also:
entity_cmp_set(ENTITY* pEnt, int cmpType, int editType, float data) Use if we have a pointer to an object

int entity_set_str ( ENTITY *  pEnt,
int  editType,
char *  csName 

Set values in zero or more CMPs.

Normally you will want to use the entity_cmp_set() functions above
See also:
entity_cmp_set(ENTITY* pEnt, int cmpType, int editType, float data)

int entity_set_vec ( ENTITY *  pEnt,
int  editType,
float  x,
float  y,
float  z 

Set values in zero or more CMPs.

Normally you will want to use the entity_cmp_set() functions above
See also:
entity_cmp_set(ENTITY* pEnt, int cmpType, int editType, float data) Use to pass vectors

int project_level ( int  i  ) 

Switch to another level.

i The level we want to switch to.
Less than zero on error, otherwise the level we have switched to.

int project_level_ ( int  i  ) 

DO NOT USE, call project_level() below.

int project_load ( char *  csFilename  ) 

Load in the game using a Project data file.

csFilename Name of the file containing project data (i.e. myProj.xml)
Less than zero on error, otherwise the number of levels.

int project_remove (  ) 

Clear out the current project.

Less than zero on error.

int project_update (  ) 

Update the game for one frame. Call this once per frame.

Positive value if there was an update, 0 if nothing to update.

Generated on Tue Dec 18 23:14:26 2007 for t7DLL by  doxygen 1.5.4