CGame Class Reference

Manages all the elements of the game (level, input, network, etc.). More...

#include <game.h>

List of all members.

Creation methods

Since this is a singlton, we use an instance for all our calls.

 ~CGame ()
eError init ()
 Setup with starting values.
static CGameinstance ()
A pointer to the singlton instance.

Public Types

Enum values
enum  eError {
  kNoError = 0, kNoEnt = -1, kBadValue = -2, kCantFindInLevel = -3,
  kEnumOutOfRange = -4, kBadType = -5, kBadLevel = -6, kCantStart = -7,
  kNullPtr = -8, kNullEntPtr = -9
 Error code enums. More...

Public Member Functions

void fx_update ()
 Update managed FX.
Level methods
bool level_valid (int i=-1) const
 Is the current level valid?
bool level_switch (const int i=0)
 Switch the current level.
bool level_next ()
 Go to the next valid level.
int level_update ()
 Update the current level.
bool level_remove (int i=-1)
 Remove the current level from the game.
int level_count () const
 Return the number of user levels in this game instance.
int level_current ()
 Return the current level.
GameEntity methods
int ge_focus (CGameEntity *pGE)
 Set the current focus entity.
CGameEntityge_focus ()
 Get the current focus entity.
CGameEntityge_ptr (ENTITY *pEnt)
 Get a pointer to any GameEntity associated with the ENTITY* passed in.
CGameEntityge_ptr (const long id)
 Get a GE using its id number.
Level Objects methods
long object_add (ENTITY *pEnt)
 Add an entity object to the current level.
long object_add (CGameEntity *pGE)
 Add a GE to the current level.
bool object_valid (ENTITY *pEnt) const
 Is this a valid GE?
void object_remove (ENTITY *pEnt)
 Remove an entity from the current level.
void object_remove (long id)
 Remove an entity from the current level.
int object_add_cmp (ENTITY *pEnt, int type)
 Add a component to the entity.
int object_cmp_set (ENTITY *pEnt, eCmp cmp, const EDIT_DATA &data)
 Set an entity's property.
int object_set (ENTITY *pEnt, const EDIT_DATA &editData)
 Set an entity's property.
int object_get (ENTITY *pEnt, EDIT_DATA &editData)
 Get a value from an entity.
int object_get (ENTITY *pEnt, eCmp cmpType, EDIT_DATA &editData)
 Get a value from an entity.
int object_get (const long id, EDIT_DATA &editData)
 Get a value from an entity.
int object_act (ENTITY *pEnt, const ACTION_DATA &actData)
 Act on an entity (do damage, activate, etc.).
int object_act (ENTITY *pEnt, eCmp cmpType, const ACTION_DATA &data)
 Act on an entity (do damage, activate, etc.).
bool event_set_data (const T7EVENT_DATA &data)
 \ name Event methods
bool event_get_data (T7EVENT_DATA &data)
 Get event data.
bool event_get_data (T7EVENT_DATA &data, const int event_type)
 Get event data.
Camera methods
bool camera_add (CCameraBase *cam)
 Add a global camera.
bool camera_add (int type)
 Add a global camera.
bool camera_set_target (ENTITY *ent, float x, float y, float z)
 Change the target entity for the cameras.
EntityData methods
int entityData_count ()
 Return the number of base behavior in this game instance.
bool entityData_load (const char *filename, const char *path=NULL)
 Load in the behavior description from a file.
bool entityData_valid (const char *str)
 Is the data named valid?
CGameEntityDataentityData_get (const char *str)
Pointer to the CGameEntityData keyed to the str, or NULL if none

User Interface methods
bool ui_add (CUi *pUi)
 Add a UI object to this level.
bool ui_add (eUI type)
 Create and add a UI object to this level.
void ui_update ()
 Update the UI.

Static Public Member Functions

Static methods
Can be called directly using CGame::func(..)

static void remove ()
 Remove the current instance.
static bool update ()
 Update the game for one frame.
static bool load (const std::string &filename)
 Load in the game description from a file.

Protected Member Functions

 CGame ()
 Protected constructor (use "instance()" to create).

Detailed Description

Manages all the elements of the game (level, input, network, etc.).

(c) 2007-2008 oP group Germany GbR. All rights reserved.
This source code is provided "as is" with no warranty and must not be distributed without written permission.

Doug Poston

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum CGame::eError

Error code enums.

kNoError  No error.
kNoEnt  No entity.
kBadValue  A bad input value.
kCantFindInLevel  Can't find object in level.
kEnumOutOfRange  Value fall outside of enum range.
kBadType  Bad Type.
kBadLevel  Bad level.
kCantStart  Can't start.
kNullPtr  Tried to use a null pointer.
kNullEntPtr  Tried to use a null ENTITY pointer.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CGame::CGame (  )  [protected]

Protected constructor (use "instance()" to create).

See also:

Member Function Documentation

bool CGame::update (  )  [static]

Update the game for one frame.

false if there is nothing to update
Call once a frame.

bool CGame::load ( const std::string &  filename  )  [static]

Load in the game description from a file.

filename Name of the file containing game description
true if the load succeeds

bool CGame::level_valid ( int  i = -1  )  const [inline]

Is the current level valid?

i Level to check (default to current level: -1)
true if the current level is valid

bool CGame::level_switch ( const int  i = 0  ) 

Switch the current level.

false if we couldn't switch

bool CGame::level_next (  ) 

Go to the next valid level.

false if there isn't any valid next level.

int CGame::level_update (  ) 

Update the current level.

neg on error (see error enum), 1 if okay

bool CGame::level_remove ( int  i = -1  ) 

Remove the current level from the game.

i Level to be removed (default to current level: -1)
true if the remove succeeds

int CGame::level_count (  )  const [inline]

Return the number of user levels in this game instance.

number of levels

int CGame::level_current (  )  [inline]

Return the current level.

current level

int CGame::ge_focus ( CGameEntity pGE  )  [inline]

Set the current focus entity.

Focus entity is normally under player control and the object cameras are focused on.
pGE Pointer to a Game Entity
Error code (eError)
See also:

CGameEntity* CGame::ge_focus (  )  [inline]

Get the current focus entity.

The current game entity under the local player's control.
See also:
ge_focus(CGameEntity* pGE)

CGameEntity* CGame::ge_ptr ( ENTITY *  pEnt  )  [inline]

Get a pointer to any GameEntity associated with the ENTITY* passed in.

pEnt Pointer to ENTITY we are searching for
Pointer to associated GameEntity, NULL if none.

CGameEntity* CGame::ge_ptr ( const long  id  )  [inline]

Get a GE using its id number.

Pointer to a game entity with the matching id (NULL if none)

long CGame::object_add ( ENTITY *  pEnt  ) 

Add an entity object to the current level.

pEnt Pointer to ENTITY to be added.
GameEntity ID if added to level, or negitive number on error.

long CGame::object_add ( CGameEntity pGE  ) 

Add a GE to the current level.

pGE Point to the CGameEntity to be added.
GameEntity ID if added to level, or negitive number on error.

bool CGame::object_valid ( ENTITY *  pEnt  )  const

Is this a valid GE?

pEnt Pointer to an ENTITY we are checking for.
true if the ENTITY* has an associated GE in this level.

void CGame::object_remove ( ENTITY *  pEnt  ) 

Remove an entity from the current level.

pEnt Pointer to ENTITY to be removed.

void CGame::object_remove ( long  id  ) 

Remove an entity from the current level.

id Game Entity ID of object we want removed.

int CGame::object_add_cmp ( ENTITY *  pEnt,
int  type 

Add a component to the entity.

The entity must already be added to the level (e.g. using entity_add()).
pEnt Pointer to the entity we are adding a new component to.
type The component we are adding (see t7EnityCMP_ list).
Less than zero on error, otherwise positive.

int CGame::object_cmp_set ( ENTITY *  pEnt,
eCmp  cmp,
const EDIT_DATA data 

Set an entity's property.

pEnt Pointer to ENTITY to be edited.
cmp CMP enum of CMP to be set.
data The data used to preform the action (see EDIT_DATA struct).
Less than zero on error, 0 if nothing found, positive otherwise.

int CGame::object_set ( ENTITY *  pEnt,
const EDIT_DATA editData 

Set an entity's property.

pEnt Pointer to ENTITY to be edited.
editData The data used to set (see EDIT_DATA struct).
Less than zero on error, 0 if nothing found, positive otherwise.

int CGame::object_get ( ENTITY *  pEnt,
EDIT_DATA editData 

Get a value from an entity.

pEnt Pointer to ENTITY who's data we are looking at.
editData This will be filled with the requested data (see EDIT_DATA struct).
Less than zero on error, 0 if nothing found, positive otherwise.

int CGame::object_get ( ENTITY *  pEnt,
eCmp  cmpType,
EDIT_DATA editData 

Get a value from an entity.

pEnt Pointer to ENTITY who's data we are looking at.
cmpType The component we are checking.
editData This will be filled with the requested data (see EDIT_DATA struct).
Less than zero on error, 0 if nothing found, positive otherwise.

int CGame::object_get ( const long  id,
EDIT_DATA editData 

Get a value from an entity.

id ID number of entity who's data we are looking at.
editData This will be filled with the requested data (see EDIT_DATA struct).
Less than zero on error, 0 if nothing found, positive otherwise.

int CGame::object_act ( ENTITY *  pEnt,
const ACTION_DATA actData 

Act on an entity (do damage, activate, etc.).

pEnt Pointer to ENTITY to be edited.
actData The data used to preform the action (see ACTION_DATA).
Less than zero on error, 0 if no cmp found or cmp does not accept that action, otherwise positive.

int CGame::object_act ( ENTITY *  pEnt,
eCmp  cmpType,
const ACTION_DATA data 

Act on an entity (do damage, activate, etc.).

pEnt Pointer to ENTITY to be acted on.
cmpType The component we are looking for.
data The data used to preform the action (see ACTION_DATA).
Less than zero on error, 0 if no cmp found or cmp does not accept that action, otherwise positive.

bool CGame::event_set_data ( const T7EVENT_DATA data  ) 

\ name Event methods

Store data for event driven message passing

data Data values for an event (see T7EVENT_DATA)
true if data event has been added.

bool CGame::event_get_data ( T7EVENT_DATA data  ) 

Get event data.

data Data values for an event (see T7EVENT_DATA)
true if data event has been retrieved.

we've expired

bool CGame::event_get_data ( T7EVENT_DATA data,
const int  event_type 

Get event data.

data Data values for an event (see T7EVENT_DATA)
event_type The type of event we are looking for (EVENT_SCAN, EVENT_SHOOT, etc)
true if data event has been retrieved.

bool CGame::camera_add ( CCameraBase cam  )  [inline]

Add a global camera.

cam A pointer to a camera object.
true if the camera was added

bool CGame::camera_add ( int  type  )  [inline]

Add a global camera.

type Type of camera to be added.
true if the camera was added

bool CGame::camera_set_target ( ENTITY *  ent,
float  x,
float  y,
float  z 
) [inline]

Change the target entity for the cameras.

ent A pointer to an ENTITY
x The X offset
y The Y offset
z The Z offset
true if the camera target was changed

int CGame::entityData_count (  )  [inline]

Return the number of base behavior in this game instance.

number of base behaviors

bool CGame::entityData_load ( const char *  filename,
const char *  path = NULL 

Load in the behavior description from a file.

filename Name of the file containing behavior description
path Path to the given file (NULL if path is included in filename)
true if the load succeeds

bool CGame::entityData_valid ( const char *  str  ) 

Is the data named valid?

true if the name is a a key to valid behavior data
str Name of the entityData we are checking for
true if the str is a a key to valid behavior data

bool CGame::ui_add ( CUi pUi  )  [inline]

Add a UI object to this level.

pUi Pointer to a UI object
true if the UI is added

bool CGame::ui_add ( eUI  type  )  [inline]

Create and add a UI object to this level.

type Type of UI to create
true if the UI is added

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